Tulsa Climbing Team


Climb Tulsa has a competitive youth climbing team for athletes aged 8-19 years old practicing 2-3 times weekly. This team and its coaches promote a love for learning, individual goal setting, and healthy competition among athletes of all ages. This is an atmosphere dedicated to growth mindsets for a lifelong career in climbing. Competition categories are Youth A, B, C, D, and Junior which are set based on birth year.

TCT Try-Outs

Friday 06/16/23-Saturday 06/17/23

3:00-5:30pm or 5:30-8:00

Try-outs for Tulsa Climbing Team’s 2023 summer season and 2023-2024 bouldering and sport climbing seasons are here! Climbers will participate in a two-day try-out process to assess their climbing ability, coachability, and climbing mindset.

The Tulsa Climbing Team and try-outs for the team, are designed for experienced climbers who want to compete on Regional and National levels. TCT practices are intense and designed to push participants to perform at the highest possible level.

If you have any questions, email Kate at kate.friedl@climbtulsa.com or Caleb at caleb@climbtulsa.com 


Kate Friedl, Caleb Klugh, Kyle Stephens, Mikey Conroy


Email our Head Coaches, Kate Friedl and Caleb Klugh, at Kate.friedl@climbtulsa.com and caleb@climbtulsa.com with any questions or concerns